Conversation / Clear

The conversation api is used for updating the content displayed in a conversation, the conversation clear action is used for clearing all messages from a conversation. On success, it will return the conversation.

Clear request

Method: POST
URL: ?srv=chatserver&api=chatconversation
Request headers: Content-Type: application/json Ozeki-Signature: signature Ozeki-Station: stationId Ozeki-User: userId
POST data:
  "action": "clear",
  "conversationid": "8ca16186c36a4e0a1ef2096e6c60b613",
  "instance": "PqjfKSn7V8",
  "clientversioncode": 3,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-08 15:27:02"

Clear response

Response headers Content-Type: application/json
Response data:
  "status": "OK",
  "errormessage": "",
  "conversation": {
    "id": "8ca16186c36a4e0a1ef2096e6c60b613",
    "isgroup": false,
    "participantids": [
    "participants": [
        "userid": "aa68d2204cb2bb85f2de3b9aad0d86d7",
        "username": "Alice"
        "userid": "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850",
        "username": "Administrator"
    "displayname": "iuj...eHw==",
    "lastmessageid": "",
    "lastreportid": "",
    "lastaccess": 1709907168,
    "secret": "C7Z...srA==",
    "instance": "ZTZqIV8LS5",
    "mutedby": [],
    "favoriteby": [],
    "hiddenby": [],
    "properties": [
        "userid": "aa68d2204cb2bb85f2de3b9aad0d86d7",
        "ismuted": false,
        "isfavorite": false,
        "hideid": "",
        "listitembackgroundcolor": "#ffffff"

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