Friends / List

The friends list api gets called when we need to get the availability and id-s of our friends. It returns the userId, user name, public key of the user and availability.

Friends list request

Method: POST
URL: ?srv=chatserver&api=chatfriends
Request headers: Content-Type: application/json
Ozeki-Signature: signature
Ozeki-Station: stationId
Ozeki-User: userId
POST data:
  "action": "list",
  "clientversioncode": 3,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-08 13:55:47"

Friends list response

Response headers Content-Type: application/json
Response data:
  "status": "OK",
  "errormessage": "",
  "friends": {
    "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850": "Administrator"
  "availabilities": [
      "friendid": "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850",
      "friendname": "Administrator",
      "publickey": "MIIBIjA...IDAQAB",
      "availability": "available"

Request parameters

userid: This parameter contains the user id of the user. This field can be calculated by taking the md5 checksum of the user's e-mail address. For example: md5("") = "aa68d2204cb2bb85f2de3b9aad0d86d7";

timestamp: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss format, in UTC timezone, it's the client's responsibility to convert it into the local timezone.

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