Conversation / Favorite

The conversation api is used for updating the content displayed in a conversation, the conversation favorite action is used for selecting special users to be kept at the top of the chat list. On success, it will return conversation with the selected user.

Favorite request

Method: POST
URL: ?srv=chatserver&api=chatconversation
Request headers: Content-Type: application/json Ozeki-Signature: signature Ozeki-Station: stationId Ozeki-User: userId
POST data:
  "action": "favorite",
  "conversationid": "8ca16186c36a4e0a1ef2096e6c60b613",
  "clientversioncode": 3,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-08 15:29:51"

Favorite response

Response headers Content-Type: application/json
Response data:
  "status": "OK",
  "errormessage": "",
  "conversation": {
    "id": "8ca16186c36a4e0a1ef2096e6c60b613",
    "isgroup": false,
    "participantids": [
    "participants": [
        "userid": "aa68d2204cb2bb85f2de3b9aad0d86d7",
        "username": "Alice"
        "userid": "d574638619cbff603bf857164c47e850",
        "username": "Administrator"
    "displayname": "qPi...Mg==",
    "lastmessageid": "",
    "lastreportid": "",
    "lastaccess": 1709907168,
    "secret": "C7Z...OsrA==",
    "instance": "ZTZqIV8LS5",
    "mutedby": [],
    "favoriteby": [
    "hiddenby": [],
    "properties": [
        "userid": "aa68d2204cb2bb85f2de3b9aad0d86d7",
        "ismuted": false,
        "isfavorite": true,
        "hideid": "",
        "listitembackgroundcolor": "#ffffff"

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